
Zeitspace Sessions

We spend a lot of time learning, but we also think it’s important to share what we’ve learned. That’s why we introduced Zeitspace Sessions, which are open to anyone, no expertise needed.

Learning, growing, and sharing our knowledge

Learning is ever present at Zeitspace. But we don’t want to keep it hidden behind closed doors, so we regularly spread the wealth of knowledge around with free Zeitspace Sessions. Sometimes run by our own team, sometimes run by outside experts, Zeitspace Sessions are always a great way to level up your expertise and meet others in the Waterloo Region tech community.

Upcoming Zeitspace Sessions

Mark Tan, left, and Nathan Maton, right.

Building a tight community feedback loop with Mark Tan and Nathan Maton

Join us as guest presenters Mark Tan and Nathan Maton talk about building a tight community feedback loop during a special Zeitspace Session.

Previous Zeitspace Sessions

Dave Dame stands at the base of a statue of Terry Fox

Product Innovation is on the Edge, with Dave Dame

Special guest presenter Dave Dame will be sharing his experience and insights around creating innovative and inclusive products. 
Kelly Goto

UX Research Repositories: Streamline Your Research & Insight Process, with Kelly Goto

Special guest presenter Kelly Goto joins us for a special presentation to share her experience and insights with research repositories.
Adrian Cho

Retiring, pivoting, and creating a musical space

Adrian Cho will share his personal perspective on pivoting during the pandemic, and his focus on experience when creating syncspace.live

Getting Started with Voice UIs & Assistant Apps

Join us for a hands-on Voice UI session where you'll learn the fundamentals of Voice UI and build your own Google Assistant App.

Hands-on intro to Kotlin

Kotlin is an open source language developed by JetBrains that targets Android, the JVM, browsers, and even native apps.

Introduction to User Story Mapping Workshop - Jul 26, 2017

User story mapping has been described and demonstrated by Jeff Patton for years in workshops and in his terrific book 'User Story Mapping: Discover the Whole Story, Build the Right Product.'

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