Zeitspace News

Growing the Zeitspace Team

Written by Mark Connolly | Dec 27, 2017

As I’ve written previously, our stated business at Zeitspace is designing and building great software products for our clients. And we’re also designing and building a great company, one where we all learn and grow as individuals and as a team. We want an environment where exploration, discovery, and craft are important for our project work, but also for our individual and company progress.

In support of those activities, Zeitspace has been busy! We’ve done some project work for great clients, run some Zeitspace Sessions for the community, and done some good along the way.

We need help doing all that, though, and to that end we’re growing our team. If you’re a designer or developer who is passionate about learning new things and working together on exciting problems, then we’d like you to consider joining our delightfully inclusive team. Check out our career opportunities, and get in touch with us.