Zeitspace News

When user experience is everything

Written by Kelly Pedro | Nov 25, 2021

At InFlight, it’s no secret that user experience is everything. 

The software company offers an employee experience platform that enables some of the biggest organizations in the world to deliver a fresh digital experience using the enterprise applications they already have in place. InFlight is a design-first software company that’s built their reputation on delivering high quality user experiences. InFlight collaborates with leading user experience (UX) design organizations like Zeitspace to bring in top-level design input.  

User experience expectations are as high as they’ve ever been and InFlight partners with Zeitspace to bring cutting edge design, UX research, and user-centred design expertise to its processes. 

As a fast-moving, Agile-based organization, InFlight was seeking a design partner that could keep pace with their product delivery schedule. InFlight turned to Zeitspace — we also use Agile methods in our work — to bring additional, new design ideas under an accelerated timeline for one of their product deliveries. 

People who use software today have high expectations for great digital experiences, and those expectations are growing faster than enterprise application vendors can keep up.  

That’s how InFlight helps.  

It’s employee experience platform enables those complex, deeply ingrained systems that are often business-critical for organizations to keep pace with UX trends, making them easy to use and modern, while delivering a delightful user experience. 

One of the biggest ways Zeitspace has helped InFlight is with cutting-edge design. When InFlight wanted a new product design that improved the way employee hours were logged and approved, the company turned to Zeitspace to help take the design to the next level. Zeitspace conducted design research, workshops, and provided design enhancements which InFlight’s team of developers then built into the product. 

“Zeitspace UX designer Megan Pollock got to know InFlight and its platform. She brought her deep user-centred design skills to the project and worked with InFlight to create a product that answered user needs, fit within InFlight’s tech framework, and delivered the quality UX InFlight wanted to provide,” said Annu Dawar, chief operating officer for InFlight. 

“She understood where users were struggling with the underlying application experience and worked with us to create this really cutting-edge time and labour experience for employees and for managers, which is a core part of the product we deliver,” Dawar said.

At Zeitspace, designing quality experiences through research, design imperatives and user story mapping that build shared understanding, along with caring for our craft through twice weekly design critique sessions among designers, are key parts of how we work. We believe that by designing experiences that focus on the people who use the software products we make, we’ll create great products that deliver value and delight just like we did with InFlight.

Check out our case studies to learn more about how we work with clients.

Need help with UX design, product validation, or custom software development? Let’s talk.