Zeitspace News

Welcome to Zeitspace, Smavehyia Shahid

Written by Zeitspace | Oct 2, 2018

We’re very happy that Smavehyia Shahid has joined us here at Zeitspace as a co-op software engineer. As is our custom, we’re presenting Smavehyia’s answers to our now-standard questions for the blog. We’ll continue doing that as people join our growing team.

Why software development?

I got introduced to software development in a university coding class and I was shocked to discover that you could imagine something up in your head and then make it a reality. It appeared no less than magic to me. My mind was blown away by the fact that something could be so challenging and rewarding at the same time. From that point onwards, I decided I wanted to go into this field where I would constantly be challenged.

What kind of development do you like? Mobile? Web? Something else?

As a relative beginner in this field, I can’t particularly say which is my favourite. I have starting learning more about mobile development and it is definitely something I enjoy. Web development is really interesting too. I feel that in any kind of software development I am required to problem solve through different challenges which makes me enjoy them all.

Recommend one thing (maybe a book, movie, album, TV show, physical experience…) Why?

Prison Break is a pretty awesome show because it contains lots of action and thrills that keep you on the edge.

What’s your favourite new (or old) discovery in Waterloo Region?

I think ice skating is really great in Waterloo in the winter season. There’s several outdoor rinks where you can enjoy the winter weather when everything else in the city is closed down.

Share a cool thing that folks might like to know about you?

I love to paint. Whenever I find time, I will paint anything that comes to my mind and store it with my million other art pieces.