Zeitspace News

Welcome to Zeitspace, Marty Mukherjee

Written by Zeitspace | Jan 13, 2020

We’re very happy that Marty Mukherjee has joined us here at Zeitspace as a co-op software engineer. As is our custom, we’re presenting Marty’s answers to our now-standard questions for the blog. We’ll continue doing that as people join our growing team.

Why Software Development?

Through my past internship experiences and projects I have done from time to time, I became fascinated with the idea of using computers as a tool to solve problems we face in our society.

What kind of development do you like? Mobile? Web? Something else?

Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Web Development

Recommend one thing (maybe a book, movie, album, TV show, physical experience…) Why?

The movie "The Great War of Archimedes." The protagonist is a math genius, and the movie talks about Japan shortly before the Second World War started.

What’s your favourite new (or old) discovery in Waterloo Region?

Workplaces tend to be informal here. On my first day of work in Zeitspace, I was the only one wearing formal clothes.

Share a cool thing that folks might like to know about you?

I was born in Japan and lived there for 18 years. Currently I am an international student at the University of Waterloo studying Scientific Computation.