Zeitspace News

Mastering the Google Design Sprint

Written by Mark Connolly | Apr 10, 2017

Last fall I travelled to Mountain View, California, for the Google Developer Experts Summit. While there, I was immersed in a day-long Design Sprint Master Academy session facilitated by a team led by Kai Haley, whom I knew from her Fluxible 2016 sessions. The academy was the first step in a process that reached a milestone this past week when I was designated a Google Certified Sprint Master.

In the grand scheme of things, such a designation doesn’t mean that much. Within the narrower world of what I do, though, and what we do at Zeitspace, it’s a nice recognition of our expertise. And it’s undoutedly relevant in the near term as I’ll be delivering a one-day design sprint workshop as part of the Tech Leadership Conference that Communitech is presenting next month. It should be a fun session!