Zeitspace News

Here comes Fluxible

Written by Mark Connolly | Sep 4, 2018

As some of you might know, I wear multiple UX-related hats. The big three are probably co-chair of Fluxible, Canada’s UX Festival; co-organizer of uxWaterloo, our local chapter of IxDA; and partner here at Zeitspace.

As we did in 2017, Zeitspace is sponsoring Fluxible this year. Given my roles, it’s probably pretty obvious that UX is important to us at Zeitspace in the work that we do for our clients. But let me draw attention to some specific things about Fluxible that we think are pretty awesome.

Each year, Canada’s UX Festival (yeah, I like to type that) presents half-day Fluxible Workshops featuring amazing UX professionals. This year is no different.

First up, Peter Morville is delivering a morning workshop on Planning for Strategic Design. Check it out! If you have any interest in delivering great UX for products, this workshop is for you. By the way, Peter is co-author of the industry classic Information Architecture For the Web and Beyond (now in its 4th edition). Wow!

Next, Margot Bloomstein is delivering an afteroon workshop on Building a Brand-Driven Message Architecture. Do you ever use words in the UX work you do? Well of course you do! And Margot can help you do that more effectively — she’s been shaping content strategy both as a practice and an industry for almost two decades. How about that!

And it gets better. Both Peter and Margot will be delivering presentations at Fluxible Conference. More on that tomorrow.