Zeitspace News

Conversations About Zeitspace

Written by Mark Connolly | Nov 7, 2016

Having launched Zeitspace last week, I’m now very much out in the world having conversations with people — friends old and new, past Boltmade clients, past colleagues, and more. It’s great to see and hear how much interest there is in the new company and how much our story resonates with people.

The last few weeks, before and after launch, have been a reminder of just how much detail work there is to be done at the beginning of a new venture. Happily, it’s detail work with a highly motivating purpose, and there haven’t been any major issues. On the contrary, things have gone smoothly so far, and progress has been swift. The response since our Hallowe’en launch has been gratifying, and has provided some emphatic validation that the idea remains a sound one.

All of which makes the conversations that much more fun. Let me know if you’d like to get together and chat.